Inner Space Services ❍
Divine Soul Blueprint Reading
$188 USD
During a Divine Soul Blueprint Reading I access your souls blueprint via the Akashic Records. Each soul has its own Akashic Record as part of its fifth-dimensional aspect. Information about every choice the soul has ever made is available within the Akashic Records. Your own individualized soul book. We will uncover your soul's energy centre, your soul group origin, your soul's vibration rate as well as cover your spheres of protection, godspark, spirit guides and white lights present. I go into your records and do this work prior to our reading. The reading is a 1 hour session.
Children Blueprint Reading
$111 USD
A Divine Soul Blueprint Reading can be done as early as 12 weeks of life. Understanding who your child is at soul level can awaken you to an enlightened way of being the best support for your child as they go through their path of life. You will learn your child's divine gifts and how you can better serve their unique gifts and talents in this lifetime. This reading includes all of the same terms as the Divine Soul Blueprint Reading. Available for children from 12 weeks of life to 12 years old.
Karmic Past Life Healing
$222 USD
A Karmic Past Life Healing session is a more in depth reading. We will uncover any blocks and restrictions that are present in your Divine Soul Blueprint and preventing you from receiving full abundance in this lifetime. We cover both blocks that originate in past lives as well as blocks that have been created in our current lifetime. Ending contracts, clear vows, repair blueprint damage due to soul loss, repair chakra tears, remove etheric implants and much more. If necessary you will be provided with the clearing work that you will do after we complete our session together so that you can step into full alignment. These readings can take up to 2 hours and the work in your records is done 24/48 hours prior to our appointment.
Tarot Reading
Coming Soon..
Property Clearing
$88 USD
If the energy is feeling uninspired or you have been feeling heavy and energetically off while being inside your home, then your space may need to be cleared. Clearing and aligning your property to match your current vibrational levels can help support your healing, growth, and well-being. This is also very important to do for properties that are designated as heritage as the space could be being used as a portalway.
Galactic Astrology
Coming Soon..