Are clean beauty products important to you? Have you ever really thought about what your putting on your skin?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m a skincare addict, I have tried everything from the most high end brands from Paris to what’s trending at Sephora, tried the best recommended drug store brands and than also DIY beauty products. It is my job to explore and educate myself on different beauty products before using them on clients or giving my recommendation on what would be best for each individuals needs. I can honestly say that the products with the most natural and minimal ingredients are the ones that I get the best results from. The simpler the routine and the cleaner the ingredients has proven to be what provides me with that fresh faced glow we all desire from our skin. Of course hydration and nutrition are another huge factor but I encourage you to go check your products. Do you know what the ingredients listed on the back are? If you’re curious about experimenting with making your own beauty products you should try it, but definitely get a book on resources because when working with natural ingredients and essential oils it is important to have the correct measurements so you do not harm the skin. Plant Powered Beauty is one of my favourite books for education but also for DIY skincare. I find I am consistently returning to this book as a resource and it has everything from skincare products to makeup products, bath bombs, body lotions etc! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What are your go to products? I’d love to hear what you can’t get enough of these days and why!
